Integrated Sessions


    A fantastic blend of work that empowers you with knowledge of what is currently going on in your body and how to move in the direction of ever more health, pleasure and effectiveness.

    Rolling on a ball relaxes tension in overworked muscles and rehydrates congested areas. It feels amazing, it travels well, and even a few minutes a day (applied to the right place ;) creates positive change.

    Movement, when done with good biomechanical form and appropriate mindfulness, has the alchemical effect of both lengthening what is too short and strengthening weak zones. Not only can it balance the body but it has great perks for mental health as well.

    Massage at the end of the session integrates the physical work and relaxes the nervous system for optimal adaptation around the new information

  • In My Studio

    $95 for one hour

    $140 for 90 minutes

    $180 for 2 hours

    New Clients can expect 2 hours for the first visit so we have plenty of time for intake and going over homework, in addition to a robust session.

    At Your Place

    $125 one hour

    $175 for 90 minutes

Functional Movement



    Training sessions include functional and natural movements to balance and align the body with mobility, strength, balance & cardiorespiratory conditioning.

    Each program is tailored to your goals, likes and skill level. More than the same old boring sets and reps, we play with elements from calisthenics, yoga, dance, circus, mindfulness and martial practices.

  • In My Studio

    $95 for one hour

    $140 for 90 minutes

    $180 for 2 hours

    New Clients can expect 2 hours for the first visit so we have plenty of time for intake and going over homework, in addition to a robust session.

    At Your Place

    $125 one hour

    $175 for 90 minutes

Clinical Bodywork


    Each session is designed custom from a broad repertoire of techniques plus a science nerd’s love of physiology and anatomy, with an artist’s creativity and intuition.

    Your feedback informs the process before, during and after the work.

  • In My Studio

    $95 for one hour

    $140 for 90 minutes

    $180 for 2 hours

    New Clients can expect 2 hours for the first visit so we have plenty of time for intake and going over homework, in addition to a robust session.

    At Your Place

    $125 one hour

    $175 for 90 minutes

Private Sessions

available at your place Monday/Tuesdays or my studio Thursday/Fridays